holy wow! stunning job!
holy wow! stunning job!
Thank ya kind sir :)
fucking wow
Drawing is really good but the colors really are messed up... You should consider uniting everything and using less tones. Just because a shirt is blue doesn't mean it appears blue to the eye due to the ambient lightning.
Just sayan, but you should really emphasize on lightning rather than actual color. Especially for a post-apo stuff.
yeah, I decided against that because its a character collage, showcasing them all, they aren't necessarily all standing together in front of a nuke :D I think it makes a better poster that way than having everything in an orange yellow nuked out tone.
Thanks :D
I LOVE how the light is treated. But I really have a problem with that manga design. I think you could (and should) dig way more into your own personal style.
Manga? '_'
really cool! Love how you treated the different changes of field (??? sorry, me and english have a war)
Joined on 9/3/12